All the Songs. Thrice the fun.

Now, Barbary Anne learned these songs at her Mama Wench's knee, so the lyrics, while they scan perfectly (remember that. PERFECTLY, I tell ye!), they may be very slightly different from the way certain OTHER groups present the same. But this is trad. If there was ever a single composer, her component atoms are in ALL of us, by now. Here at the Wayward Wenches Outreach Mission, we like to be sure that all our Wayward Wenches are singing from the same page... so the lyrics and mp3s are posted to allow this essential and important preparation phase to be completed easily.

Phone: 719-930-9684 for WWs only!
Email: use the catamariner gmail address, please

Barbary Anne's been singing trad and shanties since 1978, but WW debuted at BC Ren Fest in 2010.

In 2021, the Second Plague Year, we will be appearing at Shrewsbury Renaissance Faire in Kings Valley, Oregon, Sept 11-12. Bring your mask, the plague is still loose in the land! We have a Cleaner Wench Libretto for these shows... um, mostly! Stop by and sing along!

In 2022, Year of the Diminishing But Still Present Plague, we were scheduled for two venues that canceled. We miss singing in person. OTOH, online is fun.


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